Thursday, October 17, 2013

When Piglet heard, Sen. Ted Cruz say, "My goal is to keep affordable health care out of the reach of ordinary Americans." Piglet was terrified.

Why use Winnie the Pooh's friend Piglet? He's easily scared, worried, confused and scared. I write scared three times because Piglet gets scared three times as much when he hears negative news.

To understand how negative news affect us, encourage you to read: The Te of Piglet is based around two topics, the concept of Te, the Chinese word meaning 'power' or 'virtue', and Piglet of the Winnie the Pooh books.[3] Hoff elucidates the Taoist concept of 'Virtue — of the small'; though, he also uses it as an opportunity to elaborate on his introduction to Taoism. It is written with many embedded stories from the A. A. Milne Winnie the Pooh books, both for entertainment and because they serve as tools for explaining Taoism....  The book goes through the other characters — Tigger, Owl, Rabbit, Eeyore and Pooh — to show the various aspects of humanity that Taoism says get in the way of living in harmony with the Tao
What happens when you read negative news to Piglet? Read on and see how Piglet reacts:
  • Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) called Thursday, the day the government reopened after a shutdown that lasted almost two weeks, "a very sad day." "I'm confused? Why is opening up the government a bad thing? Piglet asks. Will it make sick?
  • Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, voted to keep the government shutdown. One would believe he doesn't remember the stories he was told about Cuban Dictator, Fidel Castro.  Rubio is using his power to shutdown the United States government. Fidel may have failed in destroying America but Sen. Marco Rubio is now finishing the job for Castro. "Oh my, this is ever so frightful." Piglet jitters.

  • Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, with "His eyes welling up with tears, Sen. Cruz said, “I embarked on this crusade with a simple goal: to keep affordable health care out of the reach of ordinary, hard-working Americans. And while this battle was lost, that dream—that precious, cherished dream—will live on." (Ted's father fought for communist revolutionary Fidel Castro in the Cuban Revolution.[19][20] Another score for Fidel Castro)  Piglet ponders and says, "Why does he want to keep me from getting healthcare? It scares me! Am I sick? 

Piglet you are not sick. There is nothing to fear.  You may be small but you have great power and no one can take it a way. 


Fear will manifest into a real disease.

Why do Tea Party Republicans want to shutdown our government? I don't know. Is it because president Obama is African-American? Is it because he wants all Americans to have healthcare? Is it he needs to raise taxes to keep our infrastructure in good repair? Is it because he wants American to have access to high speed rail? Is it because he's black?

The Tea Party is equivalent to the Muslim Brotherhood. They must be stopped! Tea Party extremist reveling to be patriots, as they fly and parade with the Confederate flag, must be brought to justice. Tea Party extremists have infiltrated our Nation's government and they have shown their willingness to collapse our economy and shutdown our government.

The Tea Party, with its extremist views has caused the decline of our health. Not just the health of our Nation but our individual health. Fear will manifest into a real disease. So, how will they inflict their virus?  Simple, shutdown the United States government. This is their plan:

March 1 — Sequestration goes into effect.
Barring a large deficit-reduction deal, or an agreement to cancel the sequester altogether, President Obama will be required to issue a sequestration order before midnight on March 1. His Office of Management and Budget (OMB) will submit a report to Congress. Federal agencies, which have already been drafting their sequestration plans according to OMB, will begin operating at reduced funding levels. The cuts will happen.

March 4 — Furlough notices issued.
If President Obama gives his order late at night on Friday, March 1, agencies could give notice to employees on the following Monday, March 4, that furloughs will be coming. Furloughed employees must be notified a month in advance, in most cases, according to Office of Personnel Management guidelines. Agencies can issue these notices before March 1, so it’s possible federal employees will get word of furloughs this week. Agencies could also wait to issue furlough notices, hoping that a deficit deal comes quickly.

March 27  — The government runs out of money, or a new funding measure is passed.
The federal government is currently being funded by a temporary measure that expires March 27. Congress and Obama will have to approve more funding in March, and while they’ve previously opted to continue the same funding levels, the March 27 deadline could provide a convenient time for them to strike a deficit deal, or at least modify the sequestration law to target the cuts differently.

April 4 — Furloughs can begin, consequences are felt.
This date is not definite, but it’s a best guess. A wide array of  agency-specific factors could mean different kinds of federal workers are furloughed at different times, according to an OMB official, but a 30-day notification timeline is the general rule — meaning government employees would start missing work a month after notices go out March 4.

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