Employers and employees alike need to pay special attention to the family leave act proposal by Sen. Rubio. He wants to use Social Security funds to pay for family leave. If it's used to pay for family leave it would weaken a system already in crisis. A crisis perpetrated by the Republican controlled Congress. We should not use any Social Security funds to pay for anything else but Social Security. We need American workers to be secure and confident that their Social Security retirement income will be available when they retire. There can be no room for uncertainty. Congress must stop giving money to the 1%. They need to pay their fair share and at the moment they do not. All Americans and people doing business in the U.S. should pay their fair share into the Social Security fund. Keeping that fund operating smoothly gives confidence of financial stability in people's golden years.
What do you think will happen?
“Sen. Marco Rubio outlines paid family leave plan that lets people take from Social Security”
"It's unclear whether Rubio's idea has the backing of Senate Republicans. The bill doesn't have any cosponsors and Rubio acknowledged he "got impatient" and introduced the bill to start a debate within the party. Democrats have also proposed paid family leave plans that would not cut social security benefits.