If you're looking to understand how the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) comes up with highway designs for I-275, and why they don't push for mass transit, then you will want to see this video. An FDOT engineer took the time to walk me through the entire Alternative Public Workshop at the Marriott at Westshore, May 23, 2019.
I taped this workshop to show Tampa that the old model of TBX has not gone away but has re-emerged. These proposals drastically widen and expand the highway, and increase the carbon footprint. They also revive express toll lanes and offer little in the way of neighborhood connectivity. In fact, the configuration of the area known as malfunction junction remains the same but is much larger, with more lanes- up to 24 highway lanes.
Do you know how much we are losing by expanding the highway? Beyond the BILLIONS they want to spend on this that we could put in Transit and improving existing roads, we also lose out on: Millions in tax revenue, property values, neighborhood growth, quality of life, long term jobs, creation of small businesses, and most importantly, our environment and health. The interstate causes us to have an “F” rating on air quality by the American Lung Association.
Before I made the video public, I spoke with Michelle Cookson of Sunshine Citizens. She was blunt and to the point, "For five years now, the community has clearly, consistently said: We reject this same cycle of incredibly expensive, destructive widening, that only ends up with the same failing outcome of clogged roads. We do not want added travel lanes, more car-only traffic, ruined air quality, increased environment impact, decreasing land values, homes, neighborhoods, and communities destroyed and depreciated. The residents of Hillsborough County have grown tired of the excuses, inaction, and no other transportation options and chose to tax themselves to get funding in place to accelerate getting TRANSIT and better transportation. It is time for this onslaught against us and our prosperity to cease- so that we can get to building the future we do desire."