Monday, September 20, 2021

I-275 Widening and Heights Flooding Relief Project and Sidewalks


As the project of the ever-widening, I-275 continues It is now clear the highway will have lanes built outside of the current structure. These lanes will run from the downtown interchange north just shy of Hannah Ave. The project is projected to start within the next few months and run up till 2025 or 2026.


In recent meetings with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), We have learned that there will be a full reconstruction of the Hillsborough Ave underpass and Martin Luther King Blvd. Those at Chelsea and Osborne will see some artwork, fencing, and a 5-foot barrier wall to keep homeless people from seeking shelter in the underpass. They have committed to building noise walls on both the east and West side of the project and nothing else. 


The damage made to the adjacent roads will not be repaired by FDOT. They have no plans to add additional sidewalks that extend past the underpass. Both the city and F DOT have made an impressive presentation about issues on Osborne Ave but neither has committed to building full sidewalks from Florida Ave to Nebraska Ave. This is one of the main corridors for our kids walking to and from school and sidewalks extending out from the underpasses must be included in this project. 


The Seminole Heights Flooding Relief Project


The same sidewalk criteria for sidewalks should also be followed for the Seminole Heights Flooding Relief project that begins at the end of 2021 and extends to 2024. Currently, there is a good design for safety and mobility on central Ave South of Hillsborough Ave but on the east and west corridors, there is no plan for additional safety and mobility i.e. sidewalks. Watch the video for a summary update of the September 15thvirtual meeting 

Florida Law requires a safe walking area for kids


The request for sidewalks is not meritless.  Kids are required to walk to school if they live within a two-mile radius. This rule falls under Florida Statute 1011.68. The rule for safe walking conditions (Florida Statute 1006.23) explains what is considered safe. “ It shall be considered a hazardous walking condition with respect to any road along which students must walk in order to walk to and from school if there is not an area at least 4 feet wide adjacent to the road” 


It makes sense for the city and the state to include funds to expand sidewalks while construction is ongoing. 

We should ask the city and the county to revisit the plans and Build Back Better.