Sunday, August 19, 2012

Mitt says, "No Change to Medicare." Not True

A recent poll conducted by Kaiser Family Foundation and The Washington Post as the GOP

prepares for its national convention, finds that the Affordable Care Act is not the top health care priority among Republicans.
When it comes to Medicare it finds that among Republicans a majority (55%) prefer the idea of keeping Medicare as it is rather than changing to a system in which seniors are guaranteed a fixed amount of money that could be used to purchase coverage "either from traditional Medicare or from a list of private plans." Both Romney and Ryan have proposed converting Medicare into a premium support program, with the House Republican budget plan spearheaded by Ryan calling for such a change to begin in 2023.

Romney has not spelled out full details of his Medicare plan. But if it is based upon Ryan's, the budget office says it would rein in Medicare spending more forcefully than Obama has.*

So if using Ryann's plan, will wheelchair scooters still be paid by Medicare? 

Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: August 2012

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