Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Rick Scott is a threat to Children and Seniors

Late last night I received a phone call from my Aunt.  She was crying and in a panic. It took her a few minutes but she did compose herself.  She then began reading a letter she received from Medicaid.

Dear Medicaid Recipient:

The 2012 Florida Legislature made some changes in the law impacting Medicaid.  Starting August 1, 2012....
  • Home health visits will be changing from four visits per day to no more than three  day....
  • Office visits for some services will be limited to two per month.  This limitation is for general visits to your physician....the type of visit that will be limited id for primary care visits.
  • Hospital emergency room visits will be limited to six per fiscal year.........
So there we have it Floridians!  Cuts to Medicaid! Gov. Rick Scott will leave no stoned unturned to prove the evils of government sponsored healthcare.  This did not have to happen!

Governor Rick Scott (R-FL) was the first governor to announce that he would not accept approximately $1.9 billion dollars in Medicaid funds allocated to Florida by the Affordable Care Act.  He's acted against the safety and well-being of the people of Florida at the expense of more-of-the same politics. 

Not to throw more gas to a fire but to make matters worse, there's the looming sequester (over the cliff) at the beginning of 2013.  "If this were to happen physicians would see a 2% cut in reimbursements," said Jared Bernstein, former chief economist & economic adviser to Vice President, Joe Biden. What we need is "enough grownups in the room to avoid a self-inflected wound.."   The same self-inflicted wound Scott could prevent instead he says, "The real problem with health care is that costs continue to rise."  Yes, healthcare costs are rising but so are defense cost. "It has doubled from 2001-2009," said Bernstein.

Apparently defense spending or increased fees to military retirees are a non-issue for Scott.  Why?  Those increases are paid by the Fed.  So when military retirees face increased fees to their Tri-Care healthcare insurance, Scott smiles because it's "hidden" fed dollars.

Scott doesn't know how to govern he has become a threat to the lives of millions of children, seniors and the medically needy.

by Mauricio Rosas

Wilson Center, National Press Conference 9/10/12

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